Early Help Offer

At Leckhampton C of E Primary School, we understand just how complicated family life can be and that there may be situations where you need extra help and support. If you need to share information or have a difficult situation you need to make us aware of we will always find the time to listen. Please come and talk to us.

Our Early Help Offer includes:

  • Taking the time to listen to children’s concerns. Classteachers and teaching partners are usually the first people to notice if a child is worried or who a child wishes to confide in. They will provide pastoral support and seek extra help if needed. Each class has a ‘Worry Box’ so children can self-refer confidentially.
  • We have a teaching partner who has dedicated time to provide pastoral support around the school. She works with children individually or in groups.
  • Our Headteacher, Miss Porter, with the support of our Acting Inclusions Lead, Mrs Pinless, coordinates pastoral support in school. They also provide training for staff and liaise with the Local Authority Early Help Team when external agency involvement is needed.
  • Our Early Help Advisor can come into school to meet with parents and school staff to draw up a plan of support.
  • We have a school nurse linked to Leckhampton. You can speak directly with the school nurse team or we can refer you as a school.

There are also agencies which you can contact independently should you wish to do so, who might be able to help and provide the support for your family.

Below you will find contact details for agencies within Gloucestershire.

Family Information Service

The Family Information Service offers a wide range of information to support families, children and young people from 0 – 19 years of age (25 for young people with additional needs). This includes information on finding and choosing childcare, such as local day nurseries, playgroups, childminders, children’s centres, out of school clubs and holiday playschemes.

They can also provide information on family support, tax credits, benefits, funding and much, much more.


CCP is based in Cheltenham and aims to support individuals and families in a variety of ways. The details below have been taken from their website. Their contact details are;

01242 228 999
or visit Cheltenham 1st Stop, 301-305 High Street, Cheltenham, GL50 3HW
For Cheltenham Advice & Inclusion Service, call 01242 694530

Their Purpose:

CCP exists to improve the lives of children, young people, families and vulnerable adults who have multiple and complex needs. Our priority is to those who have been excluded or have excluded themselves from mainstream services.

We work in partnership with the person and other agencies to create a sustainable and portable package of care and support networks, which enable them to realise their aspirations and reach their full potential in life.

Their Mission:

  • Promote and support healthy living
  • Help maintain a safe and stable home environment
  • Encourage and support learning and achievement
  • Promote respect and positive social behaviour
  • Encourage personal economic sustainability
  • Provide both crisis and preventative services

Domestic Abuse

If you, or someone you know, is affected by domestic abuse there are a number of things you can do. You can:

Call the police (999 in an emergency or 101 for a non-emergency situation).

Contact GDASS on 0845 602 9035for practical local support.

  • GDASS can help you and your children stay safe in your own home.
  • GDASS can help you access specialist legal advice.
  • GDASS can help you with other agencies (e.g. Benefits and Housing).
  • If you cannot stay at home, GDASS can help you find a Place of Safety.
  • GDASS can help you and your children move on.

Contact a help line:

National Domestic Violence Helpline (0808 2000 247).
National Centre for Domestic Abuse (0844 8044 999).
Men’s Advice Line (0808 801 0327).
CARP: 0845 602 9035 (providing advice for victims of domestic violence)

School Nurse Team

The School team can help you with a variety of issues and from time to time they run drop in sessions


E – Safety

Technology is constantly changing. How can we keep our children safe whilst still enjoying the benefits of the internet? The links below give parents helpful advice on this subject.

Childnet Resources 
Think U Know