Vision, Values and Aims



Our school vision is rooted in the Church of England’s Vision for Education; Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good and the biblical teaching of; “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind and with all your strength; and love your neighbour as yourself’ (Mark 12.30,31).

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors


As part of the Governing Body’s strategic review, the Staff and Governors felt that it was important to reflect on the core Christian values, which would provide guidance and support for our School family in everything we do.

The school values, selected by our school family, guide all aspects of life here at Leckhampton. The values for our School are Perseverance, Respect, Compassion & Responsibility.

For each of the school values, we chose a Bible story where one or more of the characters showed the value in action. We believe that by using a Bible story, we a story helps the children to understand what each value looks like in action, but can help them to reflect in a deeper way why or how that value was shown.

To launch our School values, the children and staff enjoyed a Values Day where they reflected on their meaning and how they can guide us through life at school as well as at home and in the wider community. Below is what we believe the values mean to us here at Leckhampton C of E Primary School.


Luke 5:17-26 A man is helped by friends to see Jesus

In this story, a man is determined to see Jesus but he can’t walk. He is carried by his friends on a mat but because it is so busy, they can’t get through. They decide to lower their friend through the roof of the building Jesus was in, so their friend can be healed. The man and his friends show perseverance by trying different ways to get to Jesus and not giving up. 

How do we see this value in action?

  • Have a go – don’t be afraid to try
  • Try your hardest, even when things are difficult
  • Embrace challenges, don’t be afraid to make mistakes
  • Learn from your mistakes
  • Try again – don’t give up
  • Reflect on your efforts and achievements


Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan

A man who was in difficulty was helped by an enemy when others who should have helped walked by. The person who helped showed respect by treating the hurt man as he would want to be treated. Once the good Samaritan took the man to the innkeeper, he respected the innkeeper by going back and paying for him to look after the injured man (even when no-one was looking or he could have got away with it).

How do we see this value in action?

  • Respect yourself
  • Treat others the way you would like to be treated
  • Respect others’ thoughts, ideas and beliefs
  • Take care of your belongings and equipment
  • Take care of our school
  • Take care of our environment
  • Gain respect by giving respect


Luke 19, 1-10 Zacchaeus the tax collector

The story of Zacchaeus, the tax collector, who climbed a tree to see Jesus. Jesus showed compassion to Zacchaeus by speaking to him when others would not and asking to go to his house. Zacchaeus then showed compassion by giving what he had taken and more back to others.

How do we see this value in action?

  • Everyone matters, no one is more important than anyone else
  • Show love towards other
  • Forgive one another
  • Care for our world and our environment
  • Be humble, recognise other people’s achievements
  • Become an agent of change


Luke 15:11–32 The Prodigal Son

A father gives his son his inheritance who then goes and spends it all. This son has to come back and ask for a job as he has no money. The father’s older son has stayed and worked on the family farm. One son shows responsibility by owning up for where he has gone wrong and by asking to make amends. The other son shows responsibility by steadily, consistently playing his role without celebration.  

 How do we see this value in action?

  • Take responsibility for your choices and actions
  • Have the courage to take on responsibility
  • Admit your mistakes
  • Care for your families, school and community
  • Work hard and try your best, no one can ask for more
  • Do what is right, even when no one is watching 


Our principal aim – For all to know that they are welcome

To show kindness and forgiveness
To listen to one another
To seek enjoyment in our work.
To show patience with one another
To show love towards one another
To show courage in our work
To keep the children at the heart of our decisions
To embrace innovation and change
To trust one another
To inspire one another
To celebrate the dignity and worth of each individual
To begin each new day positive
To reach out to one another
To have confidence
To encourage one another
To support and challenge one another
To believe in one another