Useful resources


BBC Number Time Games
Woodlands Junior School – Maths Zone
Teaching Money
BGFL – time
Haelmedia – Symmetry Activity
Primary Resources – Maths
Ambleside Primary – The Table trees

Information for Parents

BBC Schools Online
DfEE Standards Site
DfEE Parents’ Centre
Family Activities for SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning)
GLOSNET – Education Authority

Local Secondary Schools

Balcarras School
Bournside School
Cleeve School
Pate’s Grammar School
St Edward’s School

Local Information

Cheltenham Festivals (Music, Literature, Folk and Jazz)
Cheltenham Spa – Centre for the Cotswolds
GLOSNET (Gloucestershire County Council)
Leckhampton Local History Society
St Peter’s Church, Leckhampton
This is Gloucestershire” (Gloucester Echo website)